
Building Athletic Physiques and Happy Minds Through Self Mastery

Sometimes with a Soccer Ball


What started as a hopeful mission to help soccer players get in shape and improve their performance (Fitball is a portmanteau of fitness and football) has since evolved into something much bigger.

Contrary to what most fitness advocates preach, achieving transformative results is less to do with your routine or diet and more to do with what’s going on between your ears. 

Nowadays, Fitball exists to encourage people to prioritize their health and lead their best lives by focusing on self mastery.



Over the past 3 decades, I’ve been obsessed with the game of soccer, both as a player and coach. This led me to work internationally with 1,000s of players, amateur and professional alike. 

Most recently, I’ve been focusing on the mental aspects of goal-achievement — what stops people from remaining consistent to hit their goals. 

Whether its burning fat or improving performance, I’m here to help!

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